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The meteoric rise of high-end CBD-infused skincare

We take a closer look at the benefits of CBD-infused skincare and explore why it has quickly found itself propelled into the upper echelons of luxury beauty.

By LLM Reporters   |  

The rise of CBD has taken the health and wellness space by storm over recent years, with this non-psychoactive compound, derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, gaining widespread popularity thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to soothe stress and anxiety and promote better sleep.

While once, the only way to get your daily dose was through a CBD-infused oil or tincture, these days, the choices are endless, and from skincare to chocolate and even beer, there are a variety of more enjoyable – and often tastier ways to work it into your daily routine.

Skincare has proved to be one of the most popular ways to harness its anti-inflammatory properties and healing benefits, and luxury brands have scrambled to create new lines of high-end skincare products with CBD at their heart to cater to an ever-more discerning customer base.

Here, we take a look at the benefits of CBD-infused skincare and explore why it has quickly found itself propelled into the upper echelons of luxury beauty.

Therapeutic potential

Hemp cbd oil serum in glass dropper bottle with cannabis leaves, Moisturizing cream, Serum, lotion, essential oil
The rise of CBD has taken the health and wellness space by storm over recent years

CBD is actually one of over a hundred cannabinoids found in cannabis, and works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, a complex network of receptors throughout the body, to regulate various physiological functions.

In skincare, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have made it something of a hero ingredient thanks to its ability to combat common skin issues including redness and oxidative stress. Infused into luxury skincare along with a host of other hydrating powerhouses, the result is a soothing and thoroughly opulent set of cleansers, serums and moisturising creams that will calm skin and leave you feeling thoroughly pampered.

The benefits of CBD in skincare

Young Skin Care Routine. Beautiful girl applying a Vitamin C booster antioxidant ascorbic acid anti aging serum to her face while holding a pipette in her hand.
CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects have made it a potent ally in soothing irritated skin and calming redness, acne and eczema

CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects have made it a potent ally in soothing irritated skin and calming redness, acne and eczema, and is a robust antioxidant that helps to neutralise ageing free radicals to help keep skin maintain its youthful radiance for longer.

It’s also known to help regulate the production of the skin’s natural oils, sebum, helping to maintain clear pores and the right moisture balance, making it a great choice of ingredient in a CBD cream or serum for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps to regulate stress responses, which means as well as improving the skin’s general resilience, it can also help to ease overall stress and anxiety to restore a sense of calm.

For those seeking a more holistic approach to skincare without compromising on luxury, CBD-infused products offer the perfect solution, addressing not just skin issues themselves, but also going one step further and supporting both physical and mental wellbeing. Beauty might only be skin deep, but with CBD, skincare has become a secret weapon in both looking and feeling your best.

A match made in heaven

Medical marijuana cannabis cbd oil. CBD oil hemp products
CBD-infused skincare’s meteoric rise within luxury circles can be attributed, in part, to evolving societal perceptions towards cannabis and the willingness of the affluent consumer to embrace innovation and try something new

CBD-infused skincare’s meteoric rise within luxury circles can be attributed, in part, to evolving societal perceptions towards cannabis and the willingness of the affluent consumer to embrace innovation and try something new. These days, wellness is seen as a lifestyle that many aspire to live, and with celebrities and influencers regularly seen online endorsing CBD products, demand for them is at an all time high.

Although research that aims to understand the full extent of CBD’s benefits is ongoing, the favourable results of new studies are coming to light seemingly by the day, providing increasing scientific validation that is further boosting consumer confidence. This, in turn, speaks to the demands of the luxury consumer for evidence-based formulations rather than just those that rely on clever marketing to reel them in.

The marriage of cutting-edge science with luxury and opulence we’re seeing in high-end CBD skincare products has, understandably, made for a hot pairing and in a world where we’re placing a greater emphasis on health and wellness than ever – as well as paying closer attention to the quality of ingredients the products we use contain – it’s easy to understand why high-end CBD skincare has become so highly sought-after. Luxury consumers are known for their discerning taste and their penchant for exclusivity, and the elegantly designed packaging we’re seeing has as much to do with the current popularity of high-end CBD skincare as the CBD itself. It’s about the overall experience, and the latest and greatest CBD infused skincare provides a multi-sensory journey with tempting fragrances and indulgent textures all adding to it.

Whichever way you look at it, it’s clear to see that the symbiotic relationship between CBD and luxury has been such a roaring success, and in the realm of skincare, it certainly seems like it’s here to stay, with exciting new product lines hitting the shelves by the day. So, if you’re looking for a way to upgrade your skincare regime in every way, then look no further.