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The best high-end office technology in 2023

These innovations are not just changing the way we work; they’re enhancing our security, comfort, and productivity in the workplace.

By LLM Reporters   |  

As we shoot through 2023 at seemingly warp-speed, our modern office continues to undergo a technological revolution that is reshaping the way businesses operate. High-end office tech has fast become indispensable, with a keen focus on smart security solutions and intelligent control systems.

These innovations are not just changing the way we work; they’re enhancing our security, comfort, and productivity in the workplace. Let’s dive into all things high-end, 2023 office tech, exploring how it’s hard at work transforming the stuffy traditions of office life and redefining the way we approach 21st century work.

Smart security solutions

In today’s ever-evolving workplace landscape, smart security systems offer up myriad powerful benefits, revolutionising the way offices safeguard their assets and manage their personnel. Here’s a fresh perspective on the advantages they deliver:

Remote intruder alarm management

Smart alarms are the sentinels of the modern office, addressing many of the concerns regarding securing the premises after hours; with these systems in place, the worry of whether the last employee locked up properly is a thing of the past.

You can now effortlessly arm and disarm the intruder alarm from anywhere, at any time – so long as you’ve got access to reliable Wi-Fi – thanks to remote accessibility. All it takes is a network connection and a handheld device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, to take control of the management system.

The importance of safeguarding employee and customer data stored on computers must never be overlooked or underestimated

Access control

The right access control solution is a game-changer for both office employees and management alike; when seamlessly integrated with CCTV, it opens up new, cutting-edge avenues of security and convenience. Imagine visually verifying individuals seeking entry into your office (or other specific rooms) and having the ability to grant or deny access in real-time. Security cameras also provide valuable insights into access events throughout the building – it’s like having eyes on every wall, every second of the day.

For staff, mobile credentials offer an added layer of convenience; they can gain entry to their workspace without worrying about losing access cards or fobs, let alone the risk of cloning. Incorporating cutting-edge biometric credentials, such as face or retina scanning, makes these solutions even more unique to individual users, further enhancing security.

Remote security monitoring

The ability to monitor security systems remotely also presents an uber-convenient, cost-effective solution to round-the-clock security. Remote monitoring all-but eliminates the need for on-site security personnel to occupy the premises outside regular working hours – a cost-saving that can notably reduce overall operational expenses.

Cybersecurity vigilance

In an age where data security is paramount, robust cybersecurity measures are crucial for businesses, particularly when operating out of office environments. The importance of safeguarding employee and customer data stored on computers must never be overlooked or underestimated; thankfully, the smart security systems of today provide comprehensive protection, upholding the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information to a high standard.

man with tablet at work
Managing security controls, access and energy controls from a tablet or smartphone is the way forward for a seamless workplace experience

Smart control systems

In the modern workplace, the integration of intelligent technology no doubt holds the key to enhancing both comfort and productivity. This revolutionary approach empowers leaders to harness the full potential of their teams, while simultaneously enabling employees to perform at their peak.

Let’s delve into this transformative technology and explore why it’s a game-changer for your workspace:

Intelligent access control

Begin by reimagining how your office operates at its core; with smart access control systems leading the way, your workspace becomes a realm of efficiency and heightened work rates. Cloud-based solutions grant HR and security teams unprecedented accessibility to review building security credentials, facilitating more effective occupancy management than previously imagined.

Additionally, gone are the days of pesky key fobs and access cards! Now, you can seamlessly enter your office using just your smartphone. This system can also be seamlessly integrated with visitor management and desk booking software, effortlessly granting access to guests and meeting spaces when needed.

Smart energy solutions

Next on the list are modern energy solutions, a double win for technology and the environment.

Advanced heating and air conditioning systems are designed to intuitively regulate office temperatures based on usage patterns, corporate calendars, and weather forecasts; this translates into optimised energy usage and a superior employee experience. By reducing energy consumption and minimising your carbon footprint, these solutions represent a significant technological leap forward for your office.

cctv office
When seamlessly integrated with CCTV, the right access control solution opens up new, cutting-edge avenues of security and convenience

Intelligent lighting

In the awe-inspiring world of smart technology, lighting is in a league of its own. Smart lights now activate upon sensing human presence and turn off automatically when the room is vacant; tech that not only enhances convenience, but also slashes energy costs by up to 90%, as reported by Gartner.

When combined with automated blinds, these lighting systems work in sync and harmony, maximising natural light throughout the building. Additionally, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies further boost energy efficiencies, leading to even more cost savings and an all-important reduction in environmental impact. Furthermore, daylight sensors ensure that lighting levels adjust intuitively according to your preferences and colour-changing lights adapt their hue based on the time of day and the available natural light.

Sound masking

Sound masking’s mission is to supercharge concentration within the workplace by expertly modulating audio levels. It’s designed to elevate ambient noise, precisely tailoring it to the frequency of human speech. The result? A soundscape that’s deliberately rendered more challenging to decipher, thus diminishing distractions.

To be clear, sound masking doesn’t eradicate all traces of office sound and chatter; instead, it reshapes the auditory landscape, limiting the reach at which conversations can be heard and comprehended by others.

What sets sound masking apart from traditional white noise solutions is the level of auditory comfort it serves up. When expertly installed, it seamlessly melds into the background, generating a subtle workplace ‘hum’ devoid of static, interference, or buzz; unobtrusive, even soothing, to the discerning human ear. Furthermore, sound masking doesn’t hinder collaborative efforts. While its primary goal is to curtail the audibility of casual conversations, it won’t impede clear communication in close quarters; if someone is seated right beside you engaged in a conversation, their words will still resonate crisply and distinctly.

Final thoughts

From smart security solutions that provide remote control and comprehensive protection, to intelligent control systems that optimise energy usage and enhance comfort, the office of today is smarter and more efficient than ever before. With the integration of these high-end technologies, businesses can look forward to increased security, improved sustainability, and a workspace that empowers both employees and management.