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Important things you need to know before buying CBD oil

By LLM Reporters   |  

We explain how CBD could help depression, anxiety and chronic pain, as well as clearing up whether it’s legal or not, and if it’ll make you high.

Health is the one thing you can’t put a price on, and when you’re feeling under the weather, it’s natural to want to get back to your best. But what happens when you’ve tried out a range of prescribed medications – only to find that your ailment just keeps coming back for more? For many patients, traditional medication is no longer cutting the mustard, inspiring them to go in search of an alternative solution. Natural remedies can be a powerful weapon in fighting chronic pain, illnesses and mood disorders – but are they really the answer?

CBD oil, commonly known as cannabidiol compound, has seen a surge in popularity among many patients suffering from depression, chronic pains, and cancer in recent years. However, there is still quite the stigma surrounding it due to the fact that it is derived from cannabis. Even so, this hasn’t stopped doctors from recommending it to patients in lieu of prescription pharmaceuticals – so is it time we gave this natural alternative a chance?

Thought to offer a raft of potential health benefits, CBD oil, which is a derivative of hemp, is already recommended for reducing pain, soothing anxiety and protecting the immune system – with research also indicating it could be useful in balancing the metabolism, aiding sleep disorders, eliminating depression, preventing arthritic inflammation and healing the skin.

CBD oil, commonly known as cannabidiol compound, has seen a surge in popularity among many patients suffering from depression, chronic pains, and cancer in recent years

CBD oil has shown tremendous results in treating a range of medical conditions where other types of medication have failed to work, so it’s little wonder that it’s beginning to attract such positive attention – and many patients in search of a more natural remedy are now choosing to go down this route first to avoid the long lists of chemicals that are often found in prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Cannabidiol is one of just three common chemicals in the cannabis plant, and CBD oil manufacturers attempt to extract and make CBD oil as the only active compound, making it a far more appealing alternative for those who like to know what’s in their medication. Want to make sure the oil you’re buying is as safe and effective as possible?, the world’s leading CBD E-Liquid resource, tells us what to look for.

Paying attention to the concentration level of CBD oil is essential when buying to ensure you are getting your money’s worth

Check the level of THC

Depending on where you are located in the world, a little THC in your cannabidiol may not be such a big deal, but if THC is illegal in your country, it’s a different matter entirely. CBD oil only qualifies to as legal hemp oil only when THC is less than 0.03% – so pay close attention and always read the label to avoid inadvertently flouting any rules.

Always go for the oil that has a low or zero THC content in it – and source from reputable sellers to ensure optimum quality. Educate yourself if you’re buying abroad, as you may need to declare it when heading through customs.

Avoid Cheap CBD

In most cases, the cost of a CBD oil is enough to tell you the method of extraction used to source it. Carbon IV oxide extraction process is the safest method, making use of a high level of expertise and utilising advanced equipment, so look for this type if you can. Cheaper CBD oil is likely to have been sourced through a more unsafe means of extraction, often using butane or ethanol. Both can leave residue from toxic solvents behind – not an attractive prospect for those looking to improve their health.

Thought to offer a raft of potential health benefits, CBD oil, which is a derivative of hemp, is already recommended for reducing pain, soothing anxiety and protecting the immune system

Although CBD extracted through the use of Carbon IV oxide can mean a heftier price-tag, this is largely due to being a full-spectrum extract which contains other beneficial compounds, too. You get what you pay for, so if you’re looking for quality then be willing to part with a little extra cash – you’ll reap the benefits in the long-run.

Concentration of CBD

CBD oil companies can often try to eke out higher profits by fooling their customers into thinking they are getting more than they are. Paying attention to the concentration level of CBD oil is essential when buying to ensure you are getting your money’s worth.  Although CBD concentration varies across the broad range of products, a good quality CBD oil product will start off at between 250mg to 1000mg per fluid ounce. Whilst you may well come across CBD oils with lower concentrations, these are unlikely to be anywhere near as effective – if you’re going to start using this effective natural remedy, then it pays to shop around, so always look for quality over quantity.