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7 benefits of a green smoothie and why you should make one today

Nutritionists have long praised the green smoothie for its many health benefits, and here Dr Naomi Beinart, a leading nutritionist, reveals exactly what those benefits are in collaboration with FOGA, the easy, fuss-free smoothie makers. 

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Green smoothies have become something of a phenomenon over the last few years, and for good reason. Packed with goodness, they are a quick, easy and super affordable way to get your daily greens without the faff of cooking.

Nutritionists have long praised the green smoothie for its many health benefits, and here Dr Naomi Beinart, a leading nutritionist, reveals exactly what those benefits are in collaboration with FOGA, the easy, fuss-free smoothie makers. 

Green smoothie made with banana, chia seeds, kiwi, apple, spinach and micro peas
Thanks to all the wonderful fruits and vegetables you can include, a green smoothie is packed with antioxidants. Image credit: Kasia2003/

1. Packed with antioxidants 

Thanks to all the wonderful fruits and vegetables you can include, a green smoothie is packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital substances that are needed to protect cells against free radicals, which can play a role in the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers and other inflammatory disorders. As well as this, these veggies also provide vital minerals and phytonutrients, and drinking them allows your body to process them much more easily than eating. 

2. Promotes healthy skin

Getting your daily intake of fruits and veggies is not only super important for the inside of our bodies, but it also does wonderful things for the outside, such as our skin. When we are eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water, our skin looks plump, youthful and will glow. And this is the same with drinking a daily green smoothie, those vital antioxidants and nutrients going in will allow for healthy skin and a glowing complexion. A green smoothie a day may also help to prevent key signs of ageing such as wrinkles and sagging skin. 

green smoothie ingredients
Getting your five a day is imperative to support a healthy immune system, and this can be done through a daily green smoothie. Image credit: Anna Martianova/

3. Supports immunity 

Getting your five a day is imperative to support a healthy immune system, and this can be done through a daily green smoothie. Keeping your immune system healthy is vital to ensure you can fight off illness effectively, so packing your body with goodness will work as a shield and keep those antibodies strong. 

4. Increases energy 

Rather than reaching for your daily coffee, why not swap it for a daily green smoothie? While coffee gives you a temporary boost of energy, a green smoothie filled with vital nutrients and minerals will help you to feel energised and alert to help keep you on top of your game. 

Woman with happy gut sticker
Most green smoothies contain enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, all of which are good bacteria which is fantastic for keeping your improving your gut health and supporting a normal and healthy gut. Image credit: Prostock-Studio/

5. Live longer

The natural ingredients that are found in the vegetables and fruits that are in your daily green smoothie may help you to live longer, according to recent research. Researchers analysed data from over two million people and found that eating around five servings of fruit and veg was associated with the lowest risk of death, specifically three servings of veg and two of fruit. 

6. Improves gut health 

Most green smoothies contain enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, all of which are good bacteria which is fantastic for keeping your improving your gut health and supporting a normal and healthy gut. Fibre can also help you regulate your appetite so that you stay fuller for longer and are less likely to crave sugary snacks. 

Blending Smoothie
The natural ingredients that are found in the vegetables and fruits that are in your daily green smoothie may help you to live longer, according to recent research. Image credit: Maridav/

7. Offers quick and easy nutrition 

And last but certainly not least, probably the reason why green smoothies are popular is because of how easy they are to make and drink. We all have super busy lives and it can often be difficult to ensure we are managing to have the recommended five a day, so a quick green smoothie is a great way to ensure that you are getting that daily goodness in the morning. Below, FOGA has shared one of their favourite green smoothie recipes. 

FOGA’s new range of all-in-one food-state multivitamin smoothie blends are the ultimate, healthy breakfast or snack solution for busy people.